日期: | 2021年11月2日 |
时间: | 08:30-17:40 |
地点: | 广州黄埔君澜酒店 |
赞助商: | ||||
开幕式 Opening Ceremony |
主持人/ Moderator |
叶甜春 中国半导体行业协会集成电路分会理事长、国家科技重大专项02专项技术总师、中国集成电路创新联盟副理事长兼秘书长 Tianchun YE, President of Academy of Integrated circuit, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Head of Overall Panel of National Science and Technology Major Projects (02);Vice President of China Semiconductor Industry Association
时间/Time |
内容 / Content |
08:30-08:50 |
大会致辞 Welcome Remarks
中国半导体行业协会领导 Leader from China Semiconductor Industry Association 广东省领导 Leader of Guangdong Province 广州市领导 Leader from Guangzhou 国家科技部领导 Leader from the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China 工业和信息化部领导 Leader from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology 国家发改委领导 Leader from the National Development and Reform Commission
仪式环节 Publishing & Signing & Awarding Ceremony
08:50-09:30 |
黄埔集成电路产业政策推荐 IC Industry Policy Of Huangpu District |
陈勇 广州黄埔区区委书记、广州开发区管委会常务副主任 Yong CHEN, Secretary of Guangzhou Huangpu District & Executive deputy director of Guangzhou Development Zone
09:40-10:00 |
茶歇与展览交流 Networking Break |
高峰论坛 —— 特邀专家报告 Summit Forum——Plenary Talk
主持人:于燮康 中国半导体行业协会集成电路分会常务副理事长 Xiekang YU, Executive Vice-president of IC Branch of China Semiconductor Industry Association |
10:00-10:20 |
中国集成电路制造产业现状与展望 Current Status and Outlook of China IC Manufacturing Industry |
叶甜春 中国半导体行业协会集成电路分会理事长,国家科技重大专项02专项技术总师,中国集成电路创新联盟副理事长兼秘书长 Tianchun YE, President of Academy of Integrated circuit, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Head of Overall Panel of National Science and Technology Major Projects (02);Vice President of China Semiconductor Industry Association |
10:20-10:40 |
第三代半导体创新与发展 Innovation And Development Of The Third Generation Semiconductor |
郝跃 中国科学院院士 Yue HAO, Academician of CAS |
10:40-11:00 |
三维集成技术释放芯动能——思考与实践 3D Integration Architectures To Unleash The Core Energy Of IC Industry——Thinking And Practicing |
杨士宁 博士 长江存储科技有限责任公司首席执行官 Simon Yang, PhD, CEO of Yangtze Memory Technologies Co., Ltd |
11:00-11:20 |
技术演进+应用驱动 功率领跑千亿赛道 Power Semiconductor Leads Industry Track By Technology Evolution And Application Driving |
李虹 博士 华润微电子有限公司首席运营官 Dr. Hong Li, Executive Director and COO of China Resources Microelectronics Limited Company
11:20-11:40 |
粤港澳大湾区集成电路产业链协同发展的探索与实践 Exploration And Practice Of Synergistic Development Of Integrated Circuit Industry In The Greater Bay Area |
陈卫 广州粤芯半导体技术有限公司总裁及首席执行官 TONY CHEN, CEO & President of CanSemi Technology Inc.
11:40-12:00 |
以产融结合的综合服务 助力我国集成电路产业跨越发展 Comprehensive Services Based On The Combination Of Industry And Finance, Boost The Leapfrog Development Of Chinese IC Industry |
杜洋 芯鑫融资租赁有限责任公司董事长兼总裁 Yang DU, Chairman and President of SINO IC LEASING Co., Ltd.
12:00-13:20 |
自助午餐 Buffet Lunch |
高峰论坛 —产业报告 Summit Forum ---Keynote Speech
主持人:秦舒 中国半导体行业协会集成电路分会秘书长 Moderator: Shu QIN, Secretary of IC Branch of China Semiconductor Industry Association |
国产大硅片崛起的机遇与挑战 The Opportunity and Challenge of Domestic 300mm Si Wafer Supply |
邱慈云 博士 上海硅产业集团股份有限公司总裁/上海新昇半导体科技有限公司 CEO Dr. TZU-YIN CHIU, National Silicon Industry Group President / Zing Semiconductor Corporation CEO |
13:40-14:00 |
碳中和背景下的半导体产业机遇 Semiconductor Development Opp. in the Context of Carbon Neutralization |
曹志平 意法半导体副总裁、中国区总经理 Henry Cao, Vice President of STMicroelectronics, Managing Director China |
14:00-14:20 |
国产显示价值链赛道规模初具,只待显示驱动芯片产能释放补短板 The Scale Of Domestic Display Value Chain Track Is Beginning To Take Shape, And Only The Capacity Of Display Driver Chip Is Released To Make Up For Shortcomings |
张晋芳 北京集创北方科技股份有限公司创始人兼首席执行官(CEO) Frank ZHANG, founder and CEO of Chipone Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd |
14:20-14:40 |
晶圆厂MES发展历程和实践感悟 MES History of Fab & Practice Summary |
吕凌志 博士 上扬软件(上海)有限公司 董事长兼CEO Dr. Lu Lingzhi, FA Software (Shanghai) Co., Ltd, Managing Director & CEO
14:40-15:00 |
面向集成电路产业链的质量保障技术 The Quality Assurance Technology for Integrated Circuit Industry Chain |
恩云飞 工业和信息化部电子第五研究所总工程师 Yunfei EN, The Chief Engineer of China Electronic Product Reliability and Environmental Testing Research Institute |
15:00-15:15 |
茶歇与展览交流 Networking Break |
主持人:王国平 中国半导体行业协会集成电路分会特聘顾问 Moderator: Guoping WANG, Distinguished Consultant of IC Branch of China Semiconductor Industry Association
15:15-15:35 |
移动操作机器人如何助力半导体晶圆厂实现智能化升级 How to realize Intelligent Manufacturing in SEMI FAB by using AGV、AMR |
黄建龙 深圳优艾智合机器人有限公司 半导体自动化事业部总经理 Kent Huang, Semiconductor AMHS BU General Manager of Shenzhen Youibot Robotics Co.,Ltd.
15:35-15:55 |
电子生态系统的下一波演进: 挑战和未来 Continuing Evolution of the Electronics Ecosystem: Challenges & Future |
凌 琳 西门子EDA全球副总裁,中国区总经理 Pete Ling, Vice President of China Country Manager, Siemens EDA
15:55-16:15 |
独立第三方芯片测试产业崛起之路 The rise of independent third-party IC testing industry |
张亦锋 广东利扬芯片测试股份有限公司董事总经理 Yifeng Zhang, CEO of Guangdong Leadyo IC Testing Co.,Ltd.
16:15-16:35 |
加快安全智能边缘计算的发展 Accelerating the Secure Intelligent Edge |
钱志军 恩智浦半导体大中华区副总裁 Jason Qian,VP,Global Sales & Marketing, Greater China, NXP Semiconductors
圆桌对话——新开局、新挑战、芯生机、芯活力 Round table dialogue --- New Opening, New Challenge, IC Opportunities, Chip Energy |
主持人:陈南翔 中国半导体协会集成电路分会常务副理事长/长江存储执行董事长 Moderator: Nanxiang CHEN, Vice President of IC Branch of China Semiconductor Industry Association, Executive Chairman of Yangtze Memory Technologies Co., Ltd |
16:35-17:25 |
嘉宾(排名不分先后)Guests(in no particular order)
陈卫 广州粤芯半导体技术有限公司总裁兼CEO TONY CHEN, CEO & President of CanSemi Technology Inc. 赵晋荣 北方华创科技集团股份有限公司董事长 Jinrong ZHAO, Chairman of NAURA Technology Group Co., Ltd. 陈伟 矽力杰半导体技术有限公司总裁以及首席执行官 Wei CHEN, Chairman of Silergy Corp. 陈刚 比亚迪半导体股份有限公司总经理 Gang CHEN, General Manager of BYD Micro. 王淑敏 安集微电子科技(上海)股份有限公司董事长兼CEO Shumin WANG, Chairman & CEO of Anjimirco Shanghai Co.,Ltd 郑 力 江苏长电科技股份有限公司董事、首席执行官 Li ZHEGN, Director of Board,CEO of JCET Group Co., Ltd. |
18:20-21:00 |
欢迎晚宴 Welcome Banquet 演出+抽奖 Dinner Show + Lucky Draw
特别鸣谢:中国电子系统工程第二建设有限公司、北方华创科技集团股份有限公司、安集微电子科技(上海)股份有限公司、深圳中科飞测科技股份有限公司、通富微电子股份有限公司、赛默飞世尔电子技术研发(上海)有限公司 NAURA Technology Group Co., Ltd., Anjimirco Shanghai Co.,Ltd., China Electronics System Engineering No.2 Construction Co., Ltd., Tongfu Microelectronics Co., Ltd., |